that was some bad creative writing on his part ; the other disturbing part was that he pooped in his pantry
that was some bad creative writing on his part ; the other disturbing part was that he pooped in his pantry
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Let's be honest. The #1 determinant of jean-washing time: ass stink.
My rape wasn't much different from the sexual assault described by Jameis Winston's accuser.
Because boys are cool and girls drool.
Its more than once that I have read female journalists on this site, perhaps not you Patricia in particular, write articles about how women are represented poorly in games. How they are "oversexualised" and portrayed as weak characters. Yet now I read this article about how the jiggle of breasts are not done properly…
Look at these hypocrites talking shit about Black Friday it doesn't matter were your from, human beings are and can be pieces of shit. The differences is Americans know their fat and crazy, Euro trash on the other hand some how thinks their shit don't stink. The only people who can talk shit are the Japanese, I live…
Oh, yeah, those Germans, stick-thin from all that beer and sausage.
Yes, because if it was they would all be overweight.
I wonder is will put up an article on the hilariously inept deadspin crew making an honest mistake?
Are the dishes clean yet?
He's clearly pointing out that a smart women will let her significant other drive so that if/when they go off the road and total the car it will be his insurance that will skyrocket and not the women's. He's a caring guy.