
Nate Diaz is a 155lb weight class fighter but doesn’t have time to cut down to make 155. Short notice fights are often a weight class above a fighters “home class”.

The USB C cable that came from LG with my Nexus 5X didn’t have a deep drawn connector. I guess it’s crap then.

Sort of? I do in the sense that I know if I let it go downhill, my asset will be worth less than if I kept it up.

If you pay your credit card in full after getting your statement, it will still be reported as having a balance. I pay the statement balance every month in full, but it still shows a running balance on my cards.

One big note “As such, your first 30-day delinquency on a bill can really cost you”

Don’t forgot about homeowners insurance too. I saved 30% last year by getting an updated inspection and shopping it.

My dad is one of those stories. He had a microwave in the back of his hatchback that flew up and hit him in the back of the head after a frontal collision. If he had been wearing a seatbelt, the microwave most likely would’ve snapped his neck, but being unconstrained allowed his body to follow his head.

Your math is off on the 60% example. You save 1.5x your expenses yearly, so with 0 growth, it’s just under 17 years. However, with 6% return, it’s about 11.5 years to get 25x your living expenses.

Would your interest rate really have been lower than 0.75%? If so, did you pass up incentives to get it, which is common when taking a super low APR?

The issue with this theory is that most people don’t bank the money and invest it. I do agree with it in theory.

I agree with this 100% and even fell into it early in my career. My parents never really saved and spent all they earned, but avoided unsecured debt. It took a while to break that habit and get into the savers mindset.

Mine was having a realtor try and push me out of my comfort zone financially.

Do they take credit cards or just direct debit from bank accounts?

Has anyone noticed that the Heinz dip and squeeze packets last for a way shorter duration? They starts turning black after a month or 2 while the packets last for a year.

The 1st gen trunk was locked with the doors via the remote or inside locks.

Having a house, whenever I have a project, I look it up on youtube and assess if I can do it. I’ve had very little I can’t do, but I do choose to hand some stuff off, like painting. I can paint, but I hate to and paid $10/hr my time (they’re quicker than I am) to paint the outside of my house. Well worth it for me not

I just looked at the warranty, and it covers use Aston Martin track events. While I don’t see any scheduled, I foresee this clause being invoked if they schedule one.

I’ve got a 15 year mortgage ;)

I personally think that adjusting for family size is necessary, which is mentioned in some of the methods, but left out of a lot of the others.

We priced these out when we did the tourist version of NYC. We came up with a list of must dos, like statue of liberty, want to do, like top of the rock, and fill ins, like bodies. It covered everything we really wanted to do except Broadway.