
Let Alex and Sara go before it starts. I think they are possibly too awesome to put together.

Listen white people just because someone black brown or yellow was hired instead of you doesn’t mean you were discriminated against, it just means you’re not good enough.

I dunno. To me, the conflict with the Time bureau felt really forced this week. I really enjoy how light this season has been so far, but Sara’s chip on her shoulder vis-à-vis the bureau considering her team a bunch of chumps is getting old. Each week seems to be turning into “Whoa, there’s a historical anachronism

Even apart from the hotness of it, Alex and Sara would seem to be a nice match in how amazing they both are, and how unlucky in love they have been for the most part (admittedly in Sara’s case mostly just because of her unwillingness to settle down).

Whether or not they’re a good couple, they’re definitely going down the romantic road with those two. In an interview Phil Klemmer, an executive producer, said that Sara’s going to have a new love interest this season who “gets under her skin.” And there really haven’t been any other new characters introduced that

Flesh and bone Gideon is going to be great. Officially anticipated.

Goddammit, Barry.

Yeah, that’s the first time we’ve really seen Sara have her ass handed to her. I loved that the fighting style they chose for Kuasa was so fluid - great touch.

Gideon saying “what a bitch” might be the hardest this show has ever made me laugh, which is saying something. Gideon stole this episode, without appearing in it!

I thought the same thing but then ARGUS has never been the brightest bulbs on the planet. Also, I thought they said they were in violation of the Metahumans Act and since Jax was with them, it’s possible that just being with a meta is illegal.

Anyone confused at the part when they were being told they were under arrest for being meta human? Last I checked Sara was just a ninja, Mick just has a fire gun, Ray just a suit and Amaya a totem. How are they meta humans?

Well, Kid Flash in the comics was actually a kid. Barry was a mentor and a father figure to Wally in the comics. It’s a lot harder to justify a grown up man being a sidekick who is in control of his powers and is so powerful. They should have made Wally younger or at least not quite in control of his abilities which

I didn’t really read much past Corker & Flake, because while they may have both shit on Trump, as it has become more & more fashionable to do, they are still good lil’ GOP soldiers who are marching in lockstep towards killing the ACA and cutting taxes for rich fucks. Mark my words: When push comes to shove, they won’t

While some Republican Senators are coming out and saying the right thing, tonight they voted to repeal a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule that allowed customers to sue banks in class action suits. Corker, Flake, and McCain all voted in favor of the repeal.

I’m gonna miss Wally, too. But if it means bro times on the Waverider with Nate, Jax, and Ray I’m in. Mind you, him popping over to Kara’s Earth to protect that Central City would’ve been nice, too.

Amaya’s ancestor was played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers’s real life mom, Joy Richardson. (You might recognize her as the last fertile woman in Children of Men)

Also, technically Mick did get to incinerate a few A.R.G.U.S. guards at the Mengele-esque detention facility.

Iris was the most hilarious she has ever been in this episode, and as gorgeous as she always is. Her being inappropriate at the church was amazing.

I had not heard the rumor that Wally was going to join the Legends but I could see that & it would explain why there was the brief scene of him teaming up with Nate in the Legends season premiere.

That was fun. The show’s taken a nice step back up this season.

^ I think I found the Amazon employee responsible for this mix-up.