
The sequel was better. And I loved the first one.

In the meantime, 45 invaded Syria last week. Somehow I missed that.

I hope Trump realizes that every time he tweets Obama’s name, Obama looks better and better.

OK, you need to step away from the Internet for a while. It’s always been this horrible, but we never had it pumped straight into our eyeballs 24/7 before. Find something nice for a while before you come back.

I like your version better.

Those idiots will vote that way anyhow.

Yay, Kegels!

This is essentially a green light to any state to start testing the boundaries of what they can get away with.

My nerves are wrecked waiting for it.

It was republicans who called it Obamacare in the first place, and managed to convince their idiot voters that it was something different from the Affordable Care Act.

I believe it was Churchill who said. “Americans will always do the right thing- after trying everything else first.”

Sorry, very Old, here. Loved that movie. Still have a Cyndi crush from it.

Those abs, tho.

Somebody said, “Karlie Kloss”...

I’m overjoyed that That Orange Bastard did this to them.

They’re just assholes.

How can anyone be this stupid?

I never, ever, get tired of this one.