
What I really enjoy is making pedants explain constantly that “the path to 270 is the goal, not the popular vote” like I don’t know that already.

Sure we can. It pisses off Trump and his supporters. It’s also important to remember that the entire country didn’t go over to his madness.

When I heard that George Michael had passed away from a Facebook post, I checked three sources before I believed it to be true.

It does sound like an arts and crafts project. Was there spray paint involved?


Imagine an exclamation point after EVERY! SINGLE! WORD!

I’ve waited for Texas to turn blue again for so long that Tom DeLay came back.

a DNC that abandoned Dean’s 50-state Strategy...

Howdy, neighbor! I came here in the 80s when there was no money here and we were all in it together.

Thanks. There were still Yiddish speakers in Brooklyn when I was raised there.

I don’t know, honestly. I just feel sure that if they had signed up, Trump would be bragging about them (and putting Nugent on port-a-potty duty).

But you’re still welcome when we secede in 2019.

And, in fact, I do.

the food couldn’t POSSIBLY be the reason you live there, tho I’m sure it’s delicious.

The problem with Dem messaging is that it tends to be based on the truth. The truth is not something that any Republican has ever heard of, so they’re free to go balls to the wall with their lies.

They’re just warming up.

“The Resistance “, huh? I’ve been seeing this around.

That’s pretty much the philosophy behind his entire cabinet.

I find it interesting that not even the country music acts are signing up for this mishegoss.

I love the look of a freshly opened jar.