
For now I’m using $5 off coupons for Bed Bath Beyond and get refills for about $11.

I agree - show him this article.

This is exactly the issue that drove marriage equality.

Apparently this didn’t occur to anyone else here.

Looks like he never even tried. Which makes Rupert Murdoch a better man than Trump. Wow.

Of course he did. I would.

Holy shit no. And I thought yesterday was his worst day. OMG.

And when I finish it someday, I’ll be in a permanent amount of debt, because no one will want a 50 year old who just got a BS in a now irrelevant field (IT/Business minor).

Indeed. The whole point of The Apprentice was “Donald Trump is a massive asshole, and you have to compete for a job with him! Tee Hee!” The show was designed to trigger anyone who ever went for a job interview.

I never saw that silver outfit before. Damn.

This. Bringing Malik is pure right-winger bullshit, and has been noted, no reason at all that Hillary should care.

SCIENCE! And God damn.

He’s got Omega-level charisma.


Thank you. The Clinton-haters are boring me.

Yes, you did.

Honestly, I need to do this myself.

Because you are NOT letting it go. Claiming that the DNC cheated him is pretty much the same as Trump’s claim that the election is rigged - the last resorts of sore losers.

A “pile-on” in this context refers to the cascade of responses I’m getting- this is something that happens when a commenter shares an unpopular opinion in a space where there’s an overwhelming consensus that is hostile to that opinion.

And then he lost. I like Bernie, but he lost, you know.