You got me there. I would be max ROFLing if there was an actual Billy Batson in the mix.
Oh, no - I’m totally with you on that. The city has gone nuts and the GCPD are nothing but targets.
Batson. Billy Batson. Who can only be 11 when the others are adults.
Cobblepot shows up with a damn RPG and even Dumas knows he’s fucked.
I never fail to be amused by Gawker haters that claim that HEADLINES are somehow unique to Gawker, instead of the entire history of journalism.
It seems entirely run on
studionetwork funding due to desperation for a good Batman TV series.
Actually... I’m now cheering for that ending.
a totally insane, gonzo universe wherein Batman will never happen.
(This) Bruce is developing nicely - BUT HE’LL NEVER BE BATMAN.
a) The black kid should never have left the ship.
These are all perfectly awesome time-wasters, and I want them to do these.
Am I the only one that hates white canary’s costume?
The show’s motto: “Dammit, Barry!"
I am so amused by how wrong you are!
As long as they keep making 200+ million bombs that need to make 750 million TO BREAK EVEN, China will have a firm hand on the Hollywood reins.
The second one is pretty cool. Sorry/not sorry.
We’re on the same page, then.