
Hmm...interesting how they have zero problem doing fingerprinting in Houston yet somehow it’s detrimental to operating in Austin.

And with all the company’s persecution fantasies, Uber isn’t wrong that licensing regulations can create a barrier to entry.

Thank you for this.

That never happened, though.

Oh, my. Oh, this is sad.

(Where’s everybody at on the capitalization and two-wordification of “superheroes,” by the way?)

I am certain that the WORST, most corrupt Democratic candidates are light years better than ANY Republican. Republicans are Evil.

All right - Imma say it.

You just want to see Ming Na Wen naked.

Thank you. ScarJo OPENS MOVIES. That is all.

Now playing

I’d love to see a stage version of one of the all-time great villain songs!

We had such hopes.

“Oh shit, the _____ are going to treat us as badly as we’ve treated them all these years? EVERYBODY PANIC!

“Anyone who shares a dissenting opinion about feminism is absolutely slaughtered in the media, on the web, at work, at home, and in life”

“Crucified” by Army of Lovers. What happens when Swedes do high camp.

I know, right? She makes everyone want to raise their game.

Good lord.

Now playing

Did someone say JAM? Because this here is my jam.

The execs are embarrassed by comics (and science fiction) properties, so when someone comes in with a pitch that promises to”be serious “, they bite.

No shit - more FUN in that one image than anything in Man of Steel and the Johnny Depp Lone Ranger.