
Skipping to the end, I see.

Texans were seriously offended that Blue Bell had to stop selling ice cream for a while because people DIED.

Now playing

SHE’S BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS. Hell, she did it on Letterman:

Beacuse she worked her ass off for it. See the vid.


If I looked that good now, I’d be nekkid all day long

It is a Photoshop, but one so awesome it took on a life of its own.

He brews his own, too.

Republicans are, indeed, counting on the ignorance of their base (and most of the rest of the electorate). Seems to be a good strategy, too - they are still in business, after all.

Put it in a museum? Fine...

We don’t want to miss any dialog, after all - IT’S SO HARD TO HEAR!

Us Olds just watch TV unironically.

At what point do you get to declare yourself an old, like what age?

Yep, vinyl buyers will definitely not mind paying for premium product.

I had no idea this show was so spectacular.

#Hilary4life #HilaryandDavidneedtogetmarried

They haven’t done anything weird yet, but I feel like something is brewing under the surface there.

I still get her catalog. RIP.

First thing - yes, I, too, will watch the fuck out of this.

I am claiming I do not post things that might be WRONG without checking it FIRST.