
So, cosplay repair cosplay?

I am still enjoying his suffering.

they aren’t worried about his fascistic impulse to ban Muslim travelers, because his viewpoints do not reflect those of the party.

No, it’s NOT Constitutional, AND it’s a bad idea.

I was 6 or 7 during the later sseasons of B66, and I remember using my new-fouund lettering skills to label everything in the house. (I also had the Corgi Batmobile with the cutting blade on the front.)

Always a fan of Mulgrew, and I loved her always-slightly-deranged Janeway. And ‘technobabble’ simply does not bother me like it does some - I expect it.

Harry is the real Harrison Wells, albeit from Earth-2. Season one Wells was the “FauxWells” - Eobard Thawne having murdered the Earth-1 Wells FIFTEEN YEARS AGO and stolen his identity.

couldn’t Barry have just phased out of that leg brace

This is true, God bless her.

But Republicans ARE evil.

*whispers* So do I. It’s OK. Besides...Peta Wilson. Just sayin’.

When people (rightly) say that the MCU lacks a really outstanding villain (until Kilgrave), Langella in this movie is who I think about. He earned some Marvel-level money here, and he should still be a villain consultant.

“For me, it was a Tuesday.”

Frank Langella’s Skeletor is the gold standard by which movie supervillains should be measured. This was a case where the villain so far outclassed the “heroes” as to be hilarious.

Note that it’s a Green Arrow.

This was, hands down, the most batshit bananas Silver Age nonsense TV event ever, and I loved every goddamn second of it.

Even with the “hit flash,” that was a brutal smash.

Every episode.

You can only lampshade to a certain point.