I would totally get into these. It’s like all the “good parts” of Star Trek TOS episodes.
Many thanks, dear heart.
Seeing as I got laid off from my job on Friday (Happy Holidays!) I completely feel for the crew. This sucks.
Thank you for telling me, but... THAT’S TERRIBLE NEWS! Which asshole thought that was a good idea? Where did you hear all of this?
Pinkham - glad to see that they haven’t bricked you up behind a wall!
Oh. I’ve heard of her. Couldn’t pick her out of a line-up though.
So this is a lack of good roles issue, not THR being terrible, at least in this particular case.
WHo is Brie Larson?
I have a great love for a good many of these actresses, but jeez - did no one even look at the list?
Unlike Pioneer Woman and her fake homespun persona/story.
Now I can understand the straw lady.
Yes, sometimes that’s exactly what i want from a sandwich.
I was. By god, I was.
Does this asshole have a rule about not putting the sandwiches in a bag, too. I hate that they do that.
I can beleive that someone get antsy about leaving their crockpot running unwatched.