
The scene made the wrong point. There are things Clark can do, and things he can’t. He can walk hrough a tornado to save his dad; he can’t bring him back when the man’s heart gives out.

FFS, he even failed to save his father in the dumbest death scene EVER.

Thank God I ate something before coming here.

Right here is when I knew I had a problem.

that refrain repeats in my mind during each episode.

I am much too old to be as in love with Ilana as I am.

he’s easily one of the most successful(and in my opinion best) stand-up comedians who ever lived.

He’s not really a “say whatever you want” kind of guy.

Many people have said from the beginning : “Why shouldn’t gay couples have the right to be as miserable as the rest of us?”

As a guy who really doesn’t enjoy entourage & just couldn’t get into it i think this is awesome.

Who the hell is Ru Paul

but without RDJr’s personality making him pop, I don’t think he’ll ever garner the love and devotion that MCU’s version of the character has gained.

That took a lot of scrolling to get down to her shoes.

Oh wait, I know why.

Anybody who thinks it’s a good idea to inject silicone into their ass shouldn’t be allowed to give life advice or write books.

She takes pictures and screws rappers. That’s about it.

I had heard it on a TV ad and didn’t know who it was’ thought it was nicki minaj actually.

If no-one else is saying it - I love what her hair is doing here.

i hate when she gets criticized for doing physical comedy, mostly because that’s the type of comedy she does really well.

Those are bad-ass hats.