
Oh, FAR too late for that...

Just the cynical asshole in me, I suppose.

It’s a SHRUG. As in, “whatever”. It’s called a “shruggie”.

Walsh: I simply don’t believe most progressives actually care that Josh Duggar touched his sisters when he was 14. I don’t believe they are upset about it, or that it offends them, or that they are morally troubled by it. I don’t believe them. I just don’t.

but you don’t get a Ferrari chassis and then put a Golf engine in there just to save a few bucks.

Well, all you have to do is go to your Kinja avatar at the top of the page and drop each one into into “compose post” until you’re ready for Stage 2. And yes, I can see a script developing here.

See, the thing about the “Taylor Swift is a Robot built by an evil, and yet surprisingly prone to bitchy infighting, corporation” joke is that I’ve done it so many times that, really, nobody should find it funny, least of all me.

Jaden is a wee bit special, yes, but this casting makes sense. (Well, from the perspective of “there’s only a half-dozen black kids in Hollywood”)

I’ve had worse celebrity encounters than this.

I love them too.

“Maniacal Laugh”? Don’t mind if I do!

The idea of me being the one in control of one is not in the best interest of humanity.

One way of handling it it to drive straight through the storm and demonize anyone trying to call them on it. Their followers will be right behind them.

If you’ve got a copy, you should send them to Gawker’s secure dropbox.

Try to avoid the 19 Kids & Counting fb page though

Especially since they only just destroyed them Thursday.

I’ve never been a fan of the Duggars (“despise” is closer). I could see the fundie cultist vibes wafting off them like heat off asphalt since the first day they made it into the public eye and they’ve only gotten worse since.

Very curious. I’ve been watching the last couple of weeks and not a trace of Bill Hicks. Imma miss you, Dave, no shit, but this was a dick move and you should have relented on your way out the door.

I really resent that a hat of such fine historical character like the fedora is now taken for Internet shorthand for “MRA douchebag MFer”. Goddammit - the preferred hat of MRA douchebag MFers is the Trilby.

I actually then thought Jim Carrey would come out as him.