He's a fat, disgusting, racist piece of shit who has no place in the NFL.
He's a fat, disgusting, racist piece of shit who has no place in the NFL.
Atheists just laugh and scratch the authors' heads, saying it didn't happen that way. You are wrong, making thing things up, lying to us all now to keep a good story going. An atheist can never belivieve a ghost story is real.
That's great! A plucky, low-payroll club comes out of nowhere and gets it done. No bloated contracts, no juicers, no endless revenue streams, not the Red Sox. They have spunk. Hate this fucking team and its fake fans.
From the posture, it's clear that this is where the Burning Man goes to cool down. That's desert shit is hot, you know. Mystery solved.
That is one hell of a slutty crowd. Unless your crowd is comprised of celebrities, millionaires and hookers, that's an insane number. I only know one guy in triple digits. No one else is even close. Wow. Just think how many of those guys you know have STDs you've never even heard of.
You shouldn't call someone a troll just because he or she disagrees with you.
What would be the equivalent of sad-sack British soccer teams sent to New York for a game?
No way. Baseball is by far number 2. Attendance records are shattered almost every year. Most NBA games are unwatchable snooze-fests in 1/3 empty 15,000 seat arenas. I can't think of one NBA team with a passionate fan base. I hate the NBA, but I love college basketball. So it's not the not the sport with me, it's the…
Anger management class is down the hall, asshole. Your questionable stats are from a racist website. Even if those numbers are real, that's one decade. Let's see, 1650? Yeah, only 215 more years of African slavery. And then another hundred years of Jim Crow. You're right, it's the same.
It was not the same. Irish American here, and we never experienced anything close to what African Americans went through in those days. Do the research.
In general, all we ever learn about are sports-related and performance-impacting injuries that occur during a game or practice or in some weird off-season mishap. We don't find out (officially) who has herpes, insomnia, bipolar disorder, hearing loss, ulcers or erectile dysfunction, just to name a few private…
Oh, is Simmons from Boston? You can't tell.
-The Crusaders
-The Barons
-The Winters
I can cook decently, do laundry, scrub a toilet with the best of them, but I'm never learning to sew or thread a needle. That's a skill too far.
It's like the stupidest person you ever met got to run for vice-president and appear on talk shows.
I think the best reason to have a common last name in a surname-using society is because of kids. You can go one generation with a hyphenated last name, but a second generation with four last names? That's ridiculously stupid. Jennifer Smith-Jones-Washington-Williams. Let alone the generations after that. So, you have…
A game is now responsible for the actions of two individuals? I'll blame the men who did this, not a sport.
The whole town? Everyone in town? Grandmas? Toddlers? OK.
I think it's a good topic for this website. She's not comparing it to starvation in Africa. She's just venting in a, hopefully, entertaining way about the fact no one knows what to say when you break up with a long-term boyfriend. Not everything is about rape, disease and oppression. There are sites for that. Jezebel…
Hurting her brand? Is that the same as harming her reputation? Give me break. So everyone in every field is a "brand" now? I better go tell my 12-year-old daughter she needs to protect her brand at middle school. Maybe we should all copyright ourselves.