
Exactly, If they did not want to vote for your candidate why is it assumed they would have in the absence of Johnson? I get a vote not for your candidate is a vote against them but if they don’t like your candidate what does it matter?

Sanders would’ve taken it in a landslide; Trump didn’t win this election, Hillary lost it. She is, and always was, a bad candidate.

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.

Might want to wait a few days before you try to reason with them, they won’t listen anyway.

Same thing here. Anyone I knew with a vote in a state of any consequence ended up holding their nose and voting Hillary no matter what they said prior to that. The only people I know who did actually punch third party on the top line were the “never trump” young republicans.

Everyone I know who voted Johnson voted Republican down ticket. That’s just 3 people and completely anecdotal, but if you really forced Johnson voters to pick Trump or Clinton, I’m not sure it would’ve swung the election in her favor anyway.

I guess I don’t understand his platform that well, but I thought he took votes more from the Repubs than from Dems?

You guys sound like the crazy people on fox news after Obama won.

A lot of that stuff is basically the country reverting to normal after 8 years of Bush fucking up. With an adult in the White House, some of the harm was undone simply by default.

So, again, he used a tax strategy that is (was) legal. To pay less taxes.

I don’t like trump, I don’t think he’ll be good for the country, but I don’t think that legally avoiding taxes is a legitimate criticism. Of course you’re not going to pay more than you have to, otherwise you might as well criticize anyone who claims a deduction. However, I think the problem here is that the loophole

That seems unrealistic as better versions of that genre exist on the internet.

The Jez generation have been trained to parse every image and utterance for transgression against the new orthodoxy. This goes for everything from old TV shows to family photos to commercials to whatever you put in front of them. They can’t just switch it off. It’s always running, it’s reflex.

Should have been Bern. Look what the DNC and Clintonites have done.

Big Bang Theory Think Piece: Is saying science terminology over a laugh track convincing dumb Americans that they are actually smart?

Variations on a theme.

Cleveland pitching has been astounding this postseason—look what they did to the Jays and Sox. Cubs lineup may be better than either of those, but not by THAT much. Didnt the Sox set a record this year or something?

You have to be so, so bored to care about the Indians Logo, Redskins Name, etc...

Can I get really drunk and gamble at the casino, or is that appropriating?