
I wake up to this nonsense. Just because you don’t like our religion doesn’t make it discrimination. We can organize and spend money on the causes we believe in. Blame who you want. You’re one person who doesn’t know much about religion. Mine or any.

“I FEEL THIS WAY AND YOU ALL FEEL THIS WAY TOO” is the way at least half the Gizmodo sites’ writers frame all their subjective opinions.

It’s almost as if Islamic terrorists don’t like Christians!

Alternate take: dressing rookies up like women isn’t supposed to make them feel weak or inferior, it’s supposed to make them feel silly. I think hazing is fucking stupid, and if someone doesn’t want to participate in stunts like this, then they shouldn’t be forced to, but “look how wacky our rookie shortstop looks in

So we’re glossing over the fact that young guys from Latin America who grow up with outdated notions of machismo are exhibiting some serious transphobia by refusing to participate? Don’t get me wrong, hazing is fucking stupid as hell, but it’s not like the anti-hazing side is as pure as the driven snow on this one.

He phrased it dumbly, but he’s not necessarily wrong. One can find it funny to have a guy, especially some athletic guy with muscles and beard/stubble, dress like a woman without it being about MEN>WOMEN. It’s the juxtaposition, and the fact that he looks terrible in a dress designed for someone with entirely

I say hey, let your freak flag fly, but it isn’t for me or for most men. Why would most men be embarrassed to wear women’s clothing? Is it because they think being a woman is bad? That’s literally the author’s take.

Right, to humiliate him by making him wear women’s clothes, which most men would find embarrassing... because they think women are bad?

So... the electoral college should revolt and vote in the candidate who lost the election, but got more votes? That’s anti-populist... how, exactly?

Indeed, you could have seen even more urban backpatting from Clinton supporters, who then don’t turn out to vote because they assume they’ve got it in the bag. The rural vote and the rust belt vote then turn out in titanic numbers to functionally revolt and Trump still wins.

No. Because Trump won based upon the rules of the game (most points wins). But since people don’t like Trump, they’re willing to disregard the rules and give the W to the team with the most yards.

Those of you saying the Electoral College is broken because Trump lost the popular vote and, therefore, should have lost the election are relying on a fallacy for your claim.

Accept the results of the process, accept that if the rules had been different Trump and Clinton would have both campaigned differently, and Trump STILL might have won, and if we want to fix the system, due it before an election, not after. You don’t get to change the rules if you don’t like the results of the match.

You know what annoyed me? When the Cubs won the World Series despite the fact that the Indians scored the exact same amount of touchdowns as the Cubs did.

Hey, that part of the EC is fine, it’s just the part that can hurt us that’s bad!

Exactly, you should compete within the system that exists. Like, if you’re running a campaign, maybe you shouldn’t buy ads in California. And maybe you should campaign in Wisconsin. You know, just, hypothetically.

Unless, like, your electoral college voter cast their vote for the candidate that didn’t win the popular vote in your state. You can complain about the electoral college being undemocratic and that’s a fair critique, because it’s not democratic because we don’t live in a democracy, we live in a republic. It’s an

It isn’t upsetting that the German government knowingly allowed the US to hack it’s citizens? That is fascism, but because the ‘right’ people did it apparently it is ok.

My very Muslim feminist lawyer friend wears a headscarf but hates the burqa and says it’s a symbol of oppression and a harmful cultural practice more than a religious freedom issue. I’m gonna side with her on this one.

Why do naive “progressive” libtard millennial SJWs like you think that Islam is so fucken kewl?