BRAIN DAMAGE? A bit extreme...
BRAIN DAMAGE? A bit extreme...
It affects your flight or fight system, and engages your brain in such a way as to make it think somehow that you will die without getting more of it. Not that you’re consciously thinking you’re dying, but your brain activates that response system which makes you want another hit. The more you do, the more that…
Well, that was awfully pointless. It started off great, but by the end I was wondering what happened to talking about your kid...did you forget about her once you got stoned enough to write about how great you are at looking after her when you're stoned?
I used to nap on the bus on my way to and from work each day. I had a near 2-hour commute though, so it was pretty easy since I was so freaking tired all the time.
Why did you bother looking at this article in the first place if it didn't fascinate you in some little way?
Well I sure as hell hope you aren't one of those people that also goes around saying, "Don't judge me by my past, like me as I am now," or some happy crappy like that. Yes, he made some shitty and extremely HUGE mistakes that cost entires countries. I remember them. REMEMBER is the key word. How about we just…
I think the way that we are currently receiving information, and the amount that we are receiving on a daily basis, is starting to rewire our brains a bit. Children, especially...are beginning to receive and store information without properly processing it before moving onto the next bit to swallow. People are…
Since when did slut-shaming suddenly become a "thing" to write and converse about in a perfectly normal manner?