


Ahhh Boli’s, pizza only suitable for a blackout stumble home from stalking horse.

My heart aches as I see this. Probably because I’ve eaten too much Pizza Boli’s.

Leave it to an Orioles exec to know how to keep a captive audience.

there was legitimate gridlock caused by the protests. police were trying to move and disperse the crowd to allow cars to move before tens of thousands of people left the Yard. it was only 30 minutes, and they did them a huge favor.

Alewife. It's 3 blocks from my office and about 6 blocks north of the stadium.

IF you are talking about Pigtown (my home), fuck you stay out of my city

Faidleys is only five blocks away. You didn’t look hard enough.

They thought Yordano Ventura was pitching tonight.

Secret Chinese Dinosaur Army: Confirmed

But overhyping Cubs prospects is such a time honored tradition! Long live Hee Seop Choi!

I have a big problem with the "charity runner" perception. I run races and triathlons not to raise money for charity or to support a cause, but because I enjoy doing them. I would say (anecdotally) that many people using charity entries are of the same mindset, but missed out on registration... specifically for

C’mon. If the Lakers can relocate to LA, why can’t Rivers?

It will also work if your name is Dr. West Friendship.

I must be in the minority, but I prefer it. It seems like there is much less flopping and much less interuptions than NBA.

I remember preparing a strongly-worded retort to Brand but my roommate was on the phone so I couldn’t get on AOL.

Yes, we always budget for our monthly cocaine allotment.

This is a great list and I didn’t know about many of these. I have to say that since my Blackberry Bold, this is now the easiest way to “type” for me.

Hopefully they found out who his favorite daytime bartender is.