3% chance of Weather and Darkness

But i want to drive my Trabant here, in the americas!


Now playing

Kamui Kobayashi would like a word with you

Says a Mclaren fan? You're kidding?

An expensive Italian with crotch flames? imposibru!

freerange people

I like number five, but it just might be my master procrastinator side talking.

is the 6.2 a sleeved 6.4L? or the 6.4 a bored and or stroked 6.2?


Are you even looking at that picture?

god help us all!

Anyone else see the CSI Miami episode where they said that the car ignited because the brake fluid had reached its flashpoint? Did you catch that the temp they referred to was actually the boiling point of the fluid? pretty sure it was DOT4.

I've noticed that most things running centerlock, that aren't actually racing, have the nuts marked. The Carerra GT for one.

why do you think people call them 'mags' ?

there isn't much that's still wood over ther is there? Kinda makes me sad. But at the same time it's cool to see that Morgan is all over innovative new ideas.

"i'll take Electric Contraptions for 600 please Alex"

Universal Translator

did you not read that in James may's voice? yes, yes you did!

Your math is confusing me. it's the cheaper houses in the burbs moving people out there. And there's no causal relationship between that and people actually reducing their energy consumption. If anything it works the other way.

sorry... really i am