You know, that's a pretty good summation of how i feel. I'm surprised you feel so much a kin.
You know, that's a pretty good summation of how i feel. I'm surprised you feel so much a kin.
Jalopnik is fairly international, it's a website, and it caters to many tastes in many parts of the world, those outside of the united states can't help but see anything written through an international context. There are, and always will be -unless the eds do something completely crazy- an audience from around the…
Seeing as I've got you hearted I chose you to respond to in defense of the door choice.
I sense much anger with this one.
Also note that when it comes to period fashions, it's been 20yrs since '92. The rotation dictates that we should be reviving styles from 92/93. Which explains the black tights all the girls are wearing these days.
I'd buy it, I want it! Lambo doors and all. But the price is wonky unless the running gear is spotless and it runs perfectly.
I don't want to be coming across as a dick here. The point is that you guys have it better than anyone (except maybe Venezuela), including your northern brothers (hi there) and you make all this noise about it being unjust. Sure it costs a bunch by the end of the week, but honestly, just because it is taxed doesn't…
I feel i have a useful perspective here, being as i'm typing this at my iMac and watching StarTrek tng on my roomate's 42".
As long as you don't expect any sympathy from the outside. You may continue to commiserate amongst yourselves.
If we're going to apply analogies we should get them right:
Man that sucks! I thought our $5.10 (read 1.35/L give or take) here in Montreal would put the prices they complain about in the US in perspective.
In fact it's at least eight years old as an internet thing, and used on some pretty serious websites these days. the simpsons are pretty influential.
Any stats you could share? say from the previous go-around, as i'd assume the latest numbers are considered proprietary information if they were collected for one party.
I've got ten to one that says it's husbands disgruntled at the car their wife saddled them with.
I'd rather dodge
smoke the tires?
that's because, it was a ______
that looks remarkably like an RX-8, iiiinteresting.
somebody is right now plotting to put a .gif of a cat in the driver's seat.
missed that one. also bonus points to Mercer for the #killdozer reference