3% chance of Weather and Darkness

I totally agree with you, but the issue here is different. The point is that he was not only endangering himself, he was implicating and endangering an unwitting truckdriver should something happen, and the derailing of the truck would have taken out anyone driving behind as well. As a choreographed stunt it's great.

You just gave me a sad for the (3?) Mclaren F1s that are still siting sequestered away in Brunei slowly disintegrating from the climate. I don't give a hoot about the rest really. And this thing isn't a toy i'd be interested in at any price.

You must be new to the internet

I'm sorry but Bugatti is the slightly heavy set busty lady who's a bit quiet, and much older than everyone, but because she knows she has to keep up appearances due to her station she dresses like the queen, not always to best effect.

Honestly i think the 2000gt speaks more to the idiom and is harder to date than the E-type which speaks of late 60s rock and roll. The Z was a later interpretation, smoothed over for mass consumption. If the Z goes in the Miata goes in. If anything the Miata is the more classic for the fact that it has spanned more

when do i start getting to see that interrupting my watching of (insert any tv show here) when i turn on the tube?


international tricycle day!

It also meant more stability when bombing the local hill!

Sabine Schmitz's successor


Somebody needs to explain that thing. How on earth did they end up making that shape? Who thought that made any sense whatsoever?

Dr. Barrier we're going to Pump you Up!

From what i've read and understand of the man and the company you're essentially wrong on both counts. In the sense that he had no interest in the first place in a big federal loan, and that he's not so small as to complain about the fact that he didn't get one anyway. I happened to be over at their blog earlier today

He captures Oliver's speech rather well in doing so.

He seriously needs a faster rack on that thing.

What would it take for actual races to be filmed like that?