3% chance of Weather and Darkness

i think that as far as the totality of the problem goes, it just doesn't get anyone anywhere to take an overly principled approach to the debate. You have to leave biases at the door and address the exact problems that are right there. I keep hearing a lot of what appears to be bs from both sides to support actual

Nader or no, the Corvair is a pretty car.

Many internets to you sir! that's pretty cool actually.

I was trying to link to an image that was in a temp address.

When was the last time an Abarth badge on your car actually meant it was a fast car?

I defense of those you accuse, the spectating aspect is rather less interesting than certain eras of F1 unless there are mishaps or top fuel fireshow. There's a lot of waiting and it all goes by in a moment.

that's gorgeous!

well they have got all the stuffing up one end..


And you didn't even get a star!

Targa NFLD -> bucket listed!

I'm sorrry nibbles got to your north american microbrew. It's Simple Malt's Imperial Stout, there probably won't be any left when i go back to pick up some more, since there's nowhere near as much made as there are Porches running around. At least it will be fresh, which is more than could be said for the 911's

Sorry nibbles already drank your stout. and because the second time's a charm

For stout reasoning and, since not everything desirable comes from over seas. This one's from my area.

Good news everybody!

I don't know that's it's all that recent a trend. Outside of Jalopnik it most definitely isn't.

Speaking of the Marcos those points all sound like virtues to me. The plywood chassis is incredibly cleverly designed, and if they can be kept alive in the UK rain then a garaged dry climate one will outlast any steel framed rust bucket. Adjustable pedal box a detriment? keep your masses controlled and move the

/army of Zunes marches out of the forest

I'm glad i'm not the only one who thought so!

I was with you up to the point that you suggested that Jim Clark's name does not automatically conjure reverence. It's like saying that Magic Johnson doesn't get the respect he deserves.