honestly all i could think of was TVR
honestly all i could think of was TVR
Max Mosley?
I think i follow. It's an internally conflicted idea, or rather the challenges are pretty staggering.
<3 my good man
Ever seen an E-type Lightweight in silver?
Makes me wonder if LA would have the same connotations in pop culture if it ran off public transit the way say NY does. We sure wouldn't have had the same beginning to Terminator2, Repo Man would have had a different feel i imagine.
Now that one's just mean $kaycog!
Why is it space exploration/nasa that always gets hit with the "we could fix world hunger" and not defense/offense? Ever see the difference in budgets? Any idea how much untraceable money is pumped into the military industrial complex? NASA got 3.5% of the US budget in '67 and gets less than1% today, whereas the…
ah ha
Which would be a fine argument, if their belief was well grounded.
funny isn't it?
Not to defend them so much as to play devil's advocate. They are the only 7 company to have developed their own transmission for this application, one that's well regarded too. I'm told as well that they've done a real thorough job of developing the chassis structure and tuning that makes the others seem pale…
i'm just imagining a few of those orphaned among the crops. they make no sense except for flood season.
this would be a million time better if it was as true a replica to the rally 959s as it is to a rally 911.
Vannagon? It is a VW after all.
The girlfriend experience? Excellent choice sir. Yes a Bugatti Galbier will be sufficient sir.
off the hips is all. I used to have the same issue with breifs.
didn't like, fuckin' windows '95 do that too? why does one need an app to do do that these days?
the horror!