
All this from track previews on iTunes? Quite a few songs on the record have beat changes midway or at the end of the track. I love those producers you named to, but that love came from listening to their whole tracks, not just previews.

More like the "Take Your Ass Home" party, because they'd never get elected. And rightfully so.

"45%" of Americans don't pay federal income taxes because THEY ARE FREAKING POOR! LOL. Remember, they still pay payroll taxes. They still pay sales taxes. Coupled with record unemployment, they're struggling to survive. They already pay a substantial percentage of their income just on necessities needed to get by.

I understand, but the issue is whether Google violated anyone's privacy by collecting such information. Even though that info is easily accessible and broadcasted "publicly", you still have to evaluate whether the public as a whole is knowledgeable enough to know what that info was that they were (likely unknowingly)

Revisiting the debt ceiling "shortly" increases the chance that the country's credit rating will be lowered regardless of a raise of the debt ceiling.

I wonder how much of the public knows what a MAC address is and whether or not they're publicly broadcasting it.

Antitrust threat for what?

Oh boy, analogy FAIL.

Even the colors are the same.

Just received one from someone else, so disregard my request. Thanks.

Got it, thanks!

I'd like one also please. [redacted] Thanks!

May I have one? jeremyjewitt at Thanks.

It was originally Jay-Z's place, and Beyonce moved in. Speaking of closets, I heard that she also kept her previous Manhattan apartment to work out of and hold the vast wardrobe she's amassed over the years.

Too bad I'm just now seeing this post. I had an invite link earlier, but it seems to have disappeared. I'm guessing Google met its limit for this round of new users.

Movement is my biggest issue. Maybe I'm just not used to it coming form UC2 MP.

I hate you.

I've had the iPhone version for a while, and I used Reeder for Mac since the beta version. I love it.

If it was a 32'' for that price, definitely. 24'' is just too small.

Same here, right after new years.