
Prince is one of my favorite artists. And while I might not agree with what he's saying, he's been consistent with his views for quite some time. He's always (well, for the majority of his career) been a true independent artist. And while bucking the internet system might not be the best business decision, at least

Discretion, Gizmodo. Discretion.

@oliveboy: Gizmodo has a love/hate relationship with Apple. On one hand, they LOVE Apple (obviously), especially Jesus. So it really pains them to see the iPhone 4 with problems. However, they won't take it back (or advocate doing so) - they love it. So they'll do what ever it takes to make sure the products they love

Damn, if the guy is unhappy, take it back and get your money. Why remain miserable with a device (or anything) you're unsatisfied with? I'm surprised Steve even responded to all of that.

How many months of insurance can you buy with $100? Now, how long do you normally keep the same case on your iPhone?

@CaptainJack: People camp and wait in line because they really want the product. That doesn't mean they're a cult. People do it for game systems, Jordans, concerts, etc.

Quick, someone give this guy a tranquilizer. Now hold him parallel to the ground at the same height. Now drop him. Repeat a few times. Does anything break? This isn't scientific btw.

Please forward this post to Ryan Tate.

@Ccomfo1: WWJD? Apparently nothing before writing this post.

@NuevoLeon: Cool, I'll check them out.

But no push notifications.

I'm so glad I just kept my 3G instead of ponying up for the 3GS. Everyone knows to always get every other Apple update, not necessarily the latest. To give AT&T credit, they moved up the eligibility date. And for every Greg story, there are a thousand people out there happy they're now eligible when they normally

My first and favorite vinyl purchase: Sly and the Family Stone - There's a Riot Goin' On. It doesn't get any better.

I think the point is to make kids actually want to read more and show them that literature isn't boring. Of course it's a distraction, but at least they're reading something. I thought pop up books were awesome as a child - mostly for the stuff popping up as opposed to the words themselves. However, reading them got

My 3G took a little over an hour. I must add that I didn't have much memory left before I started the update, so it had a lot of stuff to back up and restore.

@halopower67: Yeah, you have to download iBooks separately from the App store.

@knightgee: Beyonce saves her leotards for videos and the stage only. Lady Gaga should follow.

@kake81: At the beginning of the disaster, everyone underestimated the extent of how much oil was leaking. I think the bigger issue is that an adequate disaster plan was absent - government or BP. Clearly everyone's been making up protocol as time goes on. That's a problem. With each disaster, countries will always

@Tony Prince: I sure a few more people may just choke to death then also.