
@Aurailious: No outsourcing manufacturer checks. They know it's cheaper there.

@Go Vols!: I often find that if there's one thing that always seems to trump politics and social justice, it's money/business. Plus, remember this is Foxconn we're talking about here.

No Jheri curl. :(

@Anonymoose: The iPhone is simply more relevant to the market than the Evo is. A device being released a month prior doesn't change that. I bet the majority of consumers don't even know what an Evo is.

@Anonymoose: Well before? Has the Evo even been out for a week?

I'll say it again. It's not just about features, but all so about implementation. If you want to do things right, I personally think the incremental approach is better. Comparing specs between phones is irrelevant, because more and more phones get introduced each month.

@ArseneKarl: It worked on Lifehacker last night. It might be because some of the comments are longer than the actual post.

@anna.molly: I totally agree. I find that artists who can actually sing - like Beyonce and X-Tina for instance - do a lot better when they don't over-think their image. I would say Lady Gaga also, but I don't think I've ever seen her take a modest approach ever. I wish people would understand that good art is as much

@fffffffffffffffff: Ummm, I think releasing remix after remix and video after video is more about marketing and sales than art. No offense, but it sounds like Interscope has you wrapped around their finger. Don't get me wrong I think Lady Gaga is nice and has good intensions, but her music is subpar. No amount of

@anna.molly: I agree. Ke$ha could've easily released this song, and some of the same people praising would be clowning. I personally think the "revival of music videos" is actually doing more to prevent good music from reaching people out there than enabling it.

@Willard Fillmore: Just the later. I was hoping it would do both. I love Instapaper, but it would've been nice to see how Apple would do it.

@dogcow: Same here. I had to restart it a couple of times, but now it's running pretty smoothly.

@UWAZell: Nevermind. New 1Password update is live.

@UWAZell: But not 1Password. :( I guess an update will come soon though.

@Yeah!: It's pretty awesome I must say.