Greek McPapadopoulos

It was only for a limited run, but Island Jerk was easily one of the top flavors.

And the absence of Spicy Thai makes this list extremely suspect.

You can replace “Blazers” with “Mavs” and it would be just as accurate.

You’re welcome, Drew.

Damn good album.

Try working on the “good” part, at least.

Let me break this down for you.

Go fuck yourself, you racist shithead.


I knew introducing my dad to Twitter would come back to haunt me.

I can’t believe I’m a first round draft pick.

I am astonished at the complete omission of Penguins from this list.

You’re goddamn right they are! Whooo!

I’m cracking up. A gigantic Hollywood blockbuster ripped off Lady Terminator.

This kills me every time it pops up in my timeline.

Small correction: the great 9-6 game was in the regular season. Unfortunately, LSU failed to show up in the championship game. Otherwise, I agree.


We’re talking about Oregon here, so this was very much a possibility.

On the one hand, it sucks that a great band broke up. On the other, I’ve enjoyed all the solo albums that have been released so far. Hopefully the split is only temporary.