Greek McPapadopoulos

Oh, new Beavis & Butt-head is better than decent. I'm loving the new episodes. Even though they don't do as many music videos, I'm still enjoying their riffs on "16 and Pregnant" and "Jersey Shore".

Love that one, but when I think Pavement videos, I always think of the immortal quote: "Dammit, Pavement, try harder!"

Seeing them in a couple of weeks. Always a good show, and so glad to see a reunion where everybody still sounds great.

She still looks amazing. Few could guess that she was in her forties for that photo.

I grew up in Baton Rouge and visit New Orleans occasionally, and lived in New York for a few years. Both are great in different ways. I also just wanted to bring up one of my favorite clips from "Insomniac with Dave Attell". []

New Orleans isn't fun? That's news to me. Guess we can't all enjoy the simple pleasures of shooting nutria off the back of a lawnchair in a pickup truck.

That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy


It is in at least one church in Kentucky: []


If you want an article to have default autoplay, you definitely want it to be the one about locker room dong.


Now playing

I'm with Uwe, I've actually enjoyed 2011 quite a bit. I've listened to Rural Alberta a few times, but it hasn't grabbed me—I'll give it a few more tries.

Well, you do have my number with that 'humorless' tag. You should probably have made fun of my poor syntax as well. Happy Thanksgiving!

Far be it from me to indulge a one-trick pony, but allow me to indulge the saying "let's blame the guy responsible for about 20% of that." And you know what those liberal pinkos at the Cato Institute might say about that: []

Wait, it's pronounced "Wha-lay"? I'm not sure if that makes his name better or worse.


