Greek McPapadopoulos

When has anybody said, after the fact: "You know what? Getting a tattoo was a GREAT idea!"

@Jhonka: Matt Birk is wondering what the hell kind of diploma he got. #nfl

Earlier this month, the Ole Miss student government passed a resolution suggesting the chant be replaced by the phrase, "To hell with LSU."

Nightmare Ant misses the comfort in being really fucking angry. #nightmareant

@SponsoredbyV8: Oh yeah, that was a classic. I remember e-mailing that to Leitch back during the Carl Monday days. This one I prefer since my friends are quoted in the article. #whimsy

Reminds me of my favorite article from college:

I can't be the only one who would love to see what Drew combined with ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER could come up with. That's a partnership that needs to happen. #jamboroo

There is no underestimating how much the people in Louisiana love their football, whether it be LSU or the Saints. Plus, have you ever seen the place? Expecting things to be rebuilt in four years is foolhardy. #neworleanssaints

There he goes, having to fix someone else's mistakes again. Who's guarding white-shorts?!? #barackobama

@Rozelle’s Bagman: Is this the area where we commiserate about lost stars? If only I hadn't been so generous in giving promotions to the unstarred hoi polloi. #comments

@manadajigity: He expects many guests, it's just that they're not welcome to stay. Though your theory is intriguing.

@lecoqsportif: I need to make sure my symptoms stay current. Is deja vu still one of the symptoms?