
requiescat in pace

Holy Crap! Seriously, one of my first concerns with the influx of electronic controls for throttle and steering was just that; the lack of physical connection via linkage, etc. This is a big concern of mine. I think for the time being I'm going to stick with tried and true (Homer Simpson) "Rack and peanut

@smokyburnout: Agreed Smoky. However, with the recent strength of the blue oval, I wouldn't be surprised if they put together a 2.0 liter entry to push Ecotec and their racing heritage. It'd be cool to see a few different powerplants again!

@pauljones: about having a little "push"...

Yeah! Wtf is this? Battlestar Galactica?

Who is their right mind signed off on the front end design? I thought the Aztek already failed here.

I can't wrap my head around this thing. It just seems too....thick?

@GTRbrian: Agreed; I'd drive that over any current Porsche any day of the week!

I wonder if they had to lower it into that debris laden dirt area by helicopter. Are the pictures of it with its wheel turned photoshopped? (kidding)

Things like this are why I will never again call Southern California my home. Incredible how screwed up this state really is.

I have always followed F-1 more out of my love of motorsports than for the love of their type of racing. Granted, open wheel cars have always been the epitome of technology and speed (Hello, 240mph on the back stretch at California Speedway with drivers complaining of vertigo)

I have a framed Bullitt poster up in my apartment!

BRAVO!! Glad to see this car going into the deserving hands of a Jalop! Enjoy it.

The secret to selling more anything: Boobies

I feel Caddy is still missing the boat on styling, to the point of being polarizing. I've never been a fan of Caddy's "origami" styling, and it doesn't seem to be improving. It seems they went all "Stealth Fighter" back when stealth technology required a plane to look like the F-117. If they're still using that as

@tintern: Agreed! (on both points!)

@F_munk: Totally agree with the KERS attempt; typical knee-jerk reaction to the whole "movement". I can see your idea coming to fruition though, absolutely.

Would love to see the group B Porsche in the Forzalopnik voting!!