Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit... Go back and read my previous posts if you want, I’ve had to explicitly differentiate this situation from the Mueller investigation several times now for you and your idiot friends around here.
Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit... Go back and read my previous posts if you want, I’ve had to explicitly differentiate this situation from the Mueller investigation several times now for you and your idiot friends around here.
Maybe you’re not clear on what the memo alleges then... This has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation - I’m not sure why people keep drawing that conclusion (or assuming that I must think this memo should have some effect on it - I don’t). Geez, you voice disagreement with something on the *acceptable…
Exactly, you can’t.
So you’ve read the FISA warrant, have you?
There’s nothing in the memo that details the procedure for obtaining a FISA warrant. This document clearly contains nothing sensitive to national security, so the mad scramble to keep it classified was just a dog and pony show to keep these allegations under wraps. Too bad that didn’t work - trying to shut down an…
“Neither the inital application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political originas of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials.”
Lol, you really have no idea what a strawman is, do you? Help yourself out...
True. And...?
So debunk it.
u mad bro?
Ok, let’s look at that...except instead of neighbors it’s you and another guy in town, you are both running for mayor, and you’re both taking out attack ads and whatnot against each other and all that jazz. You get your investigator, and you go to the cops and say “look - I had a guy write a report about my the other…
Like that Trump liked Russian golden showers...? Not so much.
That’s hilarious. “You can’t call out my fallacies because some politicians did things that I don’t like!”. Lol...
Maybe? The dates show that the investigation into Trump/Russia ties was already underway. Also, this warrant wasn’t (at least explicitly) a surveillance warrant against Trump, but against one of his campaign staffers who was specifically suspected of being a Russian operative.
Why, because I cited Comey’s testimony? There’s nothing inconsistent about showing that the FBI knew it was lying... (if all this is to be believed, of course)
“Failing to mention” that your evidence is uncorroborated and from an untrustworthy source is lying by omission. Saying that information you know to be suspect is credible evidence is lying by lying. Worth noting it wasn’t just the FBI, but the DOJ as well (I’m sure the fact that the Associate Deputy Attorney…
1) It doesn’t need to show the Steele dossier or anything in it was untrue. It was on the FBI to prove that the evidence they presented was credible and justified a warrant, but the memo claims the FBI did not corroborate the information and hid the fact that it was from an untrustworthy source. Further, even if some…
You don’t present uncorroborated (not to mention politically biased) evidence and say “disprove it”... That’s not how this works. As to what has and has not been proven at this point, I’ll defer to Comey who called it “salacious and unverified”....
It’s basically the house intelligence committee accusing the FBI of lying to the international court to get a warrant to wiretap a member of a presidential campaign....and its primary source for doing so was clearly biased, uncorroborated information from the opposing campaign. You think that’s a wet fart...?
Yep... BIG threat to national security there, eh?