
Came to say the same

Nah, man...this guy found it believable so that’s clearly the end of it.

Good. Do it. Please. Get rid of all the idiots who would rather talk to the press about the president’s quirky habits to try and make him look stupid than do actual work, and maybe they’ll get more done this year...

I think that works in reverse, but maybe not as you wrote it? I.e. all cryptocurrencies are fiat money, but not the other way around.

I’ve always wondered if people ever actually do this... I don’t think I’ve ever made use of a hotel bureau to keep my clothes in. Maybe if I was staying someplace for a week or more so it’s likely I’ll be doing laundry I’d unpack, but I like to be ready go (and I’d be afraid of forgetting something).

I haven’t read the entire thread (it’s yuuuuge), but I do at least appreciate the intellectual consistency of his original post.

Aw shucks, thanks.

I don’t care about 1%’ers any more than I care about anybody else. It’s not like I need to be for them or against them - that’s a false dichotomy. And no, I’m not rich...pretty sure my net worth is negative in fact.

So much evil, so much BAD NEWS for the middle class that companies are already ramping up their hiring and giving out bonuses and raises...

“It benefits me, but it benefits others more than me, so it’s BAD!”

“You can’t do good and be poor at the same time,” Millender testified. “You can’t help the poor and be poor; it makes no sense.”

Good idea... let’s demonize the political opposition and cherry-pick the worst hypothetical analyses we possibly can. Yup, that’ll definitely help

Or we could keep allotting more than half the federal budget to broken-ass entitlement programs. Because that’s been working...

I agree things like the ACA/Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security are going to be on the chopping block. Perhaps they should be at least restructured - they do account for over 50% of the Federal budget, after all.

That’s how percentages work... The top 1% of taxpayers account for nearly HALF of all federal income tax revenues. The top 20% pay more than 80% of income tax revenues. If you cut taxes, it follows that the people that pay more taxes get a bigger cut, that’s how math works.


Strong parallels to the McLaren of today...

I find it mind boggling how many media outlets are so keen to go into all the nuances of what might go wrong eventually without acknowledging the fact you’re basing this on a 10-yr prediction (with a compounding yearly error margin) that doesn’t consider the consequent economic growth that would occur (and has already

That looks awesome! This was a while back, so I’ve already had another mount for a while, but I’m saving this link - thanks!

Just throw your keys (at least any spares) in an ESD and simple.