
Yeah that’s true. Also, that’s a rather unfortunate typo :P

I wonder how long it’ll be until a liberal employee of a predominantly conservative corporation gets fired for writing a similar ‘screed’ about some liberal cause celebre, and your writers and commentariat start tripping over themselves to reverse their arguments...

I concur with your contention.

Words like “fantastic” are understood to be hyperbole, which is a completely valid use of the word. The word “literally”, however, conveys no magnitude, so how can it be used the same way?

“Rad” or “radical” in that sense is slang, though; I’m not sure slang usage applies... you might argue ‘literally’ is used to connote ‘figuratively’ is slang, but that doesn’t seem to be the position of the author.

I think coffee’s become more of a cultural construct than ‘busyness’ - everybody’s just gotta be “so busy” all the time, in the same way we just “can’t function if I haven’t had my coffee!”. I don’t doubt some few people really are that sensitive to caffeine (and admittedly, maybe this whole line of

Every pizza is a personal pizza if you’re up to it.

Seriously! I’m always staggered by the numbers - 96 people ‘forgot’ they had a gun on their way to the airport. Meanwhile, I’m obsessively scouring my bag and pockets to make sure there’s no rogue nail clippers poised to send me to Guantanamo...

Maybe don’t volunteer your opinion on topics about which you’re willfully ignorant, then....

Yeah, act like a psychopath - that’ll show ‘em.

I’m not a fan of the ‘cocked and locked’ approach, but why not chamber a round if you’re carrying hammer-down or the weapon is striker-fired?

“oh hmmmm, this should be interesti- HOLY @#$%^, WHAT IS THAT?”

Just wait until whoever’s behind you goes to the bathroom (or gets up to allow somebody else to) and recline while they’re gone. Tada!

Presumably you know the VIN range, right? Run a carfax report on each one, and it should show when/where they were titled and any subsequent sales.

Not sure if you’re familiar with F1, yeah, it’s pretty much guaranteed to be better than whatever he’s got now.

I did the same thing a few years back, but Pagani had yet to move into their new digs. The old showroom only had room for 2 cars (a Cinque roadster and a Huayra, if I recall), but was still awesome. The new place looks much more grand!

“Guaranteed to eventually dump all your keys at the worst possible moment once the screw works itself loose”

“Guaranteed to eventually dump all your keys at the worst possible moment once the screw works itself loose”

Haha, that lone Koenigsegg

Lol....he thinks I own a McLaren.