
I don’t think there was any explicit team ordering, but I wouldn’t put it past Ferrari to tweak the strategy to put one driver ahead at the expense of the other...

He was on pace for Q3 before having to abort because of Vandoorne’s crash.

I’m sure he’s not the first F1 driver to think so... When Schumacher was asked if he’d consider an Indy500 run, I believe he dismissed it as a lower formula, and said it wouldn’t justify the risk of an admittedly dangerous race.

My impression is you live on 5w30.


“I don’t know if I can do it now, because here I only turn left....”

I like it aesthetically.

I always got carsick as a kid, but I only remember puking in the car because of it once. I still get motion sickness in the car pretty often, but after reading some of these other stories, I guess I should consider myself lucky!

The silver window accents with that profile seem very DB9-esque (which is to say, gorgeous). Not sure how I feel about the angry shark face, but I still wouldn’t kick it outta bed for snoring, ifyouknowwhatImean...

That looks amazing

You’d definitely have to skip the Charlotte 600 to attend qualifying at Monaco, but otherwise I guess it could work if you’re willing to forego practice time at Indy. Not to mention you’d be utterly exhausted, but hey - it’s a young man’s sport for a reason.

I’ve had a shard on my keys for several years now - I’ve tried several competitors, but this is the best one in my book.

I’ve had a shard on my keys for several years now - I’ve tried several competitors, but this is the best one in my

Been doing the amazon subscription thing too, just to shave a few bucks off. Occasionally they do a “buy 2 of these for $20" type of sale, that’s what got me started on them

Been doing the amazon subscription thing too, just to shave a few bucks off. Occasionally they do a “buy 2 of these

Never tried Culver’s, but I’ll certainly stop in if I come across one.

Totally agree with that list. I live in Sonic country, so I’d put that somewhere near the top too, tho it’s decidedly slower than the rest.

I noted Russia’s relationship with Iran in several other comments. What do you think that proves, exactly? As it happens, Iran is also an enemy of daesh - the only cause for concern is their particular animosity toward Israel. There’s a pretty good chance Russia wouldn’t have told Iran, and another pretty good chance

Ha, woops... Reading comprehension fail

Right, because THAT’S what I said....

Wait a minute... McDonald’s plays the role of “somewhere good to eat” in this story??? Taco Bell is wayyyy better than McDonalds!

Haven’t read/watched Fox in years, but thanks for your eloquent input.