
17 feels like 16? I don’t like the sound of that, ‘cause I didn’t really like 16 that much. I don’t like the Windows 8 design on the menus, and when I select something I’ll sometimes get input lag for some reason, and the music that plays on them is really bland and generic; I know that doesn’t sound like a big thing

Baseball’s pretty good in VG form, although I’ve yet to find a baseball sim that has decent fielding controls. Either it’s the old ones, where you control every fielder at the same time, or it’s the new ones, where who you control is based on who’s closest to the ball, and that can change without warning.

I always wonder about something... do people actually fall for this shit? Like, do people actually see spam comments like this, think it’s a real person who’s bragging (off-topically, I might add) about a dream job they got, and click the link as a result? I mean, I guess people must if these spammers keep doing it,

Now playing

Jim Cornette knew Phil Mushnick was human garbage 2 decades before the rest of us did:

Now playing

Jim Cornette knew Phil Mushnick was human garbage 2 decades before the rest of us did:


Yeah... like, even after he returned he’d still do the Diving Headbutt, and I’d just think, “Why? After how badly it fucked up Dynamite Kid and Chris Benoit, after how badly it fucked up you, Daniel Bryan, why on Earth are you still using that move?”

Dear U of Chicago, and everyone who supports this:
You don’t actually know what “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” are. Like, at all. My guess is none of you have ever actually needed one in your lives. Y’all probably read some bullshit article on Fox News or Breitbart or something and got outraged from it; funny,

Fuck the alt-right. Fucking racist manbabies.

Eh. Would’ve been better if Japan’s PM wasn’t such a nationalist, militaristic nutcase. Pass.

I don’t get why they don’t want him to win any major tournament, do they really think nobody’d wanna watch a fighting show if the main character’s the reigning, defending champion of the world?

Yeah, I mean, who’d wanna watch a show about a reigning, defending Pokemon League champion, right? That’d just be silly...

Well, this is all well and good, but when are SiIvaGunner’s high quality video game rips coming to Spotify?

No, unfortunately. I know of far too many guys with daughters who still treat women like garbage.

Right? Especially since X & Y did have such a spectrum. Hopefully Sun & Moon don’t take that away...

Like the sound of her voice is supposed to be a factor in deciding if she (or anyone for that matter) should be president? Like, we have no problem electing ugly dude after ugly dude, but suddenly a woman gets a serious shot at becoming President and she suddenly has to be the most attractive fucking person on the

Yeah, the DNC hacks were pretty shitty and unethical, but I personally think their doxxing of thousands of anti-Erdogan women in Turkey is shittier, more unethical, more hypocritical (since they’re outing people who’re opposing an ever-growing dictator) and a bigger sign of their fall from grace. Fuck Wikileaks.

Ooh, now this might give me reason to download Project M!


Yes. If you, the Giants or anyone else don’t like it, then maybe they should stop losing games on walk-off balks! Easily the worst way to lose a game!