
So you can’t spell one of the women’s name completely, and you don’t even know the other’s name, but I’m still expected to take your statement seriously? Even before I get to the fact that your accusation is provably false? Get real.

*Really* makes me wish the 1993-94 Pacers, with Reggie Miller, were in this game.

Now playing

Not bad, but have you seen an actually flying tank?


So cute... and then he opens his mouth:

No. Go Blue Jays!

I just happened to be listening to this as I read this article; seems to fit well IMO:

Windows 3.1 baby!

You’re damn right I do. I didn’t want Destiny when it came out, and I sure as hell don’t want it now after this article came out. Attitudes like I’ve seen in these comments, which in my opinion boil down to “why can’t you poor people just get more money?!” are pretty much the clincher.

I hope you enjoy the game, but

Yes... I still play them, and I still enjoy playing them.

Maybe I like all of the games I have and don’t *want* to sell any of them?

Dude, no. That crossed the line.

You remind me so much of this dope it’s almost not funny.

If I had to guess, sometime in ‘93 or ‘94, when I was 4-5. My first game console was the Genesis, but my uncle owned an NES with the Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cartridge, so anytime we went over there I’d wind up playing it. I was never very good, I don’t think I ever got past World 1-2 back then.

His old house is long

I think the closest I’ve seen is Driver: Parallel Lines, which doesn’t really involve time travel, but rather halfway through your character goes to prison and the game jumps forward from 1978 to 2006.

Wait, actually... after you beat the game you can go back and forth between the eras, so I guess it does involve time

I’d be all for it; I’ve always wanted an official e-sports tournament based around an actual sports title.

I’m always partial to the 16-bit NBA Live games myself:

Me and my pink PS3 controller agree with this sentiment.

They already out draw the Florida Panthers & Arizona Coyotes most nights.