Wait is this different than the 3ds game or same thing?
Wait is this different than the 3ds game or same thing?
Gameshark for life.
I don't hate the ending, I just think it feels incomplete. I am not in the camp that feels that it's total garbage and needs to be completely replaced. I think this current ending is salvageable it just needs a good epilogue which hopefully Bioware is working on now.That said though I do think IT would be genius but I…
I agree, I think the circle pads are really comfortable... I'd have to see how it holds up with genres not really yet seen on the 3DS such as FPS's, but so far I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
I'm kind of confused because it isn't completely clear in the trailer. Is this supposed to be a side story or does this come into play after the main story line?
X is great if you want a solid modern turn based experience.
Kotaku Melodic is my favorite new block by far, really cool stuff. Kotaku East can be a bit grating at times with some of the absurd things that are covered but by and large it's OK. I think as it stands now your coverage of phone games are fine. I like how you highlight a new cool game or two a day, along with…
Not sure who did this one, but this is one of my favorite tracks from FFXI. There is so much to choose from though, FFXI has excellent, excellent music.
I don't understand why you couldn't freely go from place to place. Plenty of MMO's do this.
It's unreal all of the crying going on. People seem to forget that we are also getting a expansion for the SP game this year too, so its not like they are dropping support for that.
holy santa clause shit
Well before Heath died, I'm pretty sure I read that the original plan was to have the third movie be about the joker as well.
Great subject, but I'm not sure about the whole no video game box art though. I would have liked to have seen some at least and could have just picked a diverse group of finalists.
Crossbows have been in Elder Scrolls before pretty sure, no big deal.
This, the hardware is great and worth the 300 dollars or so (with MU). However while it has a lot of good games, for me there is no GREAT games that I have to have. Nothing so far that is a major system seller.
Back to World War II maybe? That would actually be refreshing nowadays!
Yep I misread that at first! Still a lot of pokemon though to date regardless!
I mean I obviously can't speak for everyone, but like i responded below I would just like a break from all these new pokemon to focus on maybe adding some more evolutions/pre-evolutions, exploring the current regions we already in more detail, *gasp* a new storyline perhaps?! Stuff like that.
I've played every gen since the first one! I like all the games, but I would really like a new pokemon game that just takes a break with all the new additions and just explores the current existing regions in more depth thats all!
649 + 300 new ones according to this article that makes almost 1,000? Edit: whoops misread article 300 in pokedex never mind!