I'm waiting for them to realize that we don't want more pocket monsters. Can we please just let these 900 or so pokemon we have now just sink in for a while?
I'm waiting for them to realize that we don't want more pocket monsters. Can we please just let these 900 or so pokemon we have now just sink in for a while?
Thanks a lot! That seems pretty concluded though what the hell is Halo 4 going to be about? I remember MC floating towards some mysterious looking planet. Is that all the details about the story we have so far. Oh and have we met a forerunner yet in any of the games or just found their tech?
Ok so can someone give me the cliff notes version of the Halo storyline. I have always liked the games and I like what I see with Halo 4 so far, but I never understood what the hell is going on. The wikipedia entry isn't much better at explaining it...
Biotic Volus would be epic!
I really thought an ending change or indoctrination theory was the only way to salvage this. I really hope I'm wrong but I don't think they can add enough clarity to this current ending without it still being a plot hole infested mess.
Wouldn't mind if the last 10 minutes were all just a dream....
Zynga for sure and probably Activision too, off the top of my head.
EA isn't even the worst gaming company let alone company in all of America. This is kind of silly.
Yeah I got those both I love em, that's the kind of game I wish I could play again. I don't have a N64 anymore and I really miss Rocket:Robot on wheels, that game was great too.
Anyone know of some good modern platformers (3d collect-a-thons or 2d) for 360, Ps3 or 3DS? I know of the new Rayman but does anyone else have some good suggestions either retail or downloadable?
I've gotten pretty lucky that I have gotten two of the Quarian Infiltrators (the thing I really wanted). I can imagine your frustration though. I wish there was a way you could buy cards (or whatever they are), individually for points as well.
The MP is OK. Would have I preferred it to be separate from the SP, ya probably. But I would just play it during logical intermissions in the storyline. It really doesn't take very long to get max galactic preparedness especially with the iPhone app.
Iron Maiden baby.
Does anyone else think a more advanced version of the Fable 2 ending would have worked well here (for those who played it). I know its blasphemous to use Fable and Mass Effect in the same sentence but hear me out. In fable 2 the final choice was between serving the needs of your self, the few, or the many.
360 I think just means being able to do everything.
I totally understand point 1. At least though if they were going to roll with that, they could have provided some actual insight onto what the hell happened and how each ending choice distinguishes itself from the other.
"With great rage - welcome to your doom Reapers. Welcome to your doom." I lol'd hard. Bioware missed out on creating so many epic moments. They almost seem afraid to play around with their own lore sometimes.
This x100.
An easy copout would just be that the explosion that is sent out from the crucible is different than conventionally destroying it.