
@OGHowie: Fair enough, just clarifying.

@OGHowie: The MW games? All 2 of them?

Flipped by this article saw Arcadia, thought oh my god skies? Flipped back and was sad =[

Activision, the only company that can make EA look like good guys.

@RiotControl: I just bought warhawk from ebay. People most certainly play the vanilla game. DLC, I don't know. I'm pretty sure I see plenty of games open with maps I can't enter.

A defensive back in NO somewhere is very upset.

Honestly looking at these rankings again they seem to be really accurate had they been for MLB 09, or at least much more so then this year. The weighting system needs to be far more weighted towards the most recent season.

Both games ratings really annoy me. So many things just seem wrong. Mariners 21st? Really?

@Rachel Fogg: If you don't mind me asking what is t3b and Bbs, PE3 and all the other aberivations that i'm not getting here? I only get Kingdom Hearts.

@TehJHawk: I think he was being sarcastic, if not I pretty much agree with everything you said. Even the wild card I think is a long shot. If they are at least in the competition for the card' then I would call that a hugely successful season for the Natinals.

They will just ask for FFVIII remakes instead.

Haha, why does Sony hate PSP users so much? =[

Considering how casually it's just pictured with everything else, I have feeling she had no idea haha.

This looks incredible i'm so happy I got a ps3 finally this year. Never going back to 2k baseball.

Dammitttttttttttt i'm on vacation till wednesday! I needed that white!

@Azures: Yep I played the demo and that killed it for me.

This looks pretty awesome I had an n64 but had Goldeneye instead of PD, might have to pick this up now. A Goldeneye remake would be incredibly epic however.