If it's free DLC—at launch—why isn't it on the disk?
If it's free DLC—at launch—why isn't it on the disk?
I think Kristin Bezio would make a better representative for feminism in gaming. She's actually a legit gamer.
Mind hiring me to manage your holiday home?
IKR. I wish it wasn't true but the ending of ME3 was probably one of the most emotionally charged letdowns of my life. #firstworldproblems
Fortunately, Casey Hudson just left BioWare.
Up next: Feminist Frequency "deconstructs" sexism in Bayonetta! >:D
Without appropriate counterpoint, Anita's rhetoric comes across as editorializing; more like an op-ed piece or an elaborate justification for confirmation bias. Certainly, and without question, most video games offer a ripe forum for gender analysis & in many cases, I agree with the general premises forwarded.…
I agree with Ralgarog about Dragon Age. Several female gamers I know "romanced"—more like befriended— the men in similar fashion.
Anita briefly mentions, albeit underplays, the point of the status rendered to the character for this behavior: "DASTARDLY" meaning "WICKED or CRUEL". Most of these games have similar paradigms. In Fall Out 3, for instance, (similar to Red Dead Redemption) you lose Karma points and are subsequently treated differently…
I think most of us would be much more receptive if the data was quantitate rather than selectively qualitative. That is, for instance: number of characters in a specific game or group of games, gender divisions between primary/secondary/tertiary characters, numerical breakdown of those characters' roles within the…
I think a lot of us had high hopes for what feminist reflections could make of contemporary gaming. I think a lot of us, including male gamers, would love to see some intellectual research of gender politics in video games but unfortunately—despite her platform—Anita has not risen to the standard most of us expected.…
1. Vegeta
Conan O'Brien...
This supercut didn't come close to the total times Jesse used the word, "Bitch." NOT EVEN CLOSE!