
Dude, the GSII isn't available yet, and the US GSIII's won't be out for quite a while. They may even have some improvements to the International GSIII. Hopefully on the looks side. Woof.

Thankfully my phone was not included the battery drain club. Don't see any dif after the update, but then again I was happy from the start. Hope everyone gets sorted.

I love Hippies.

Now that is perfect proper pixel proportion planning!

You can always add them yourself. I like me a good hinge.

I would say this phone is just as good as anything out there right now. How long (or short) that is the case remains to be seen. Android has definitely become par to IOS. Windows is finally looking tempting as well. I can't wait to see what we get in 2012 between those 3.

I think as it stands now the owners of the 4S are the guinea pigs for Siri. It works, and I'll use it as much as any other of the phones "utilities". But my socks haven't been blown off by any means.

That's just the accent!


I wouldn't get too ahead of yourself. This phone is running Gingerbread, which came out almost a year ago. The biggest pro the Nexus phones have is continued love from Google. Which is a pretty big one to me.

I wouldn't say that problem is equatable to ALL Android phones. If you were pulling the battery out every day you have a lemon. Which is just the way the cookie crumbles. If they took the time to make the phone right, it should be A-OK.

I wouldn't bite on anything Android until we see the Nexus Prime. One thing I like about that phone is the different materials they used on it. I love me some new(ness).

I'm still trying to wrap my head around somebody actually buying a piece of electronics SOLELY because Steve Jobs is dead. I want to meet them if so. Study them. Write a book and sh@t.

If the phone ends up being that sweet $300 will be the slightest of ouchies, not a Peter Griffin knee grab.

MacTodd hit the nail on the head.

I bought a 4S as my first Iphone, coming off a Galaxy S. It's going to take some getting used to but I'm really enjoying the smoothness so far. I understand now how some people would not like IOS, but the pros are growing each time I play with it. My biggest surprise is that I'm not noticing/minding the 3.5" screen at

For the money and looks Skullcandy has been a decent buy. Sound is good as well.

Like I keep saying, worst case we can always go back. One thing that helped me decide is it seems like you can get pretty good $$$ for an Iphone if you decide to sell it. I'm even rooting for WP7. If they can combine Windows 8 and the phone(s) they may have something worth hitting up. Life's too short not to enjoy all

Gotta dig articles about something that may or may not be the case, then they can make another article about how no, actually, they fit quite nicely.

Will somebody else NOT take credit for his choices if he did? Two years from now the current CEO will say: "this wasn't MY idea, it was Steve's"