I forgive you Sony.
I forgive you Sony.
Star this so the spoiler doesn't make it to the top.
My god, AC3 had the laziest attempt at a resolution I've ever seen in a videogame franchise (including ME3).
Woo! Vita kinda sort of beat the 3DS if you don't count the DS sales!
Fake, people who play on pc never go outside.
I'd like to think this is how all fan boys fight.
Nintendo gets left out again.
Your missing the Moral of the story......get a PC
3 > New Vegas
So it's confirmed the new PS4 will be blurry. Well better than the glossy look of the PS3 :) One touch and your fingerprint will forever be left on it! Nooooo.
"I was just about to achieve the next level"
"I was just about to achieve the next level" - classic vidya game line.
So we can all use EA's tradmearks without permission now, right?