I wish I still had my 360, but all I've got on me are my PC and Wii. I'll keep an eye out on price cuts.
I wish I still had my 360, but all I've got on me are my PC and Wii. I'll keep an eye out on price cuts.
Noted. My wallet expresses its gratitude.
Dammit Lozzle! You weren't supposed to dissuade me!
I'm starting to run out of reasons to procrastinate buying a Wii U.
This was all I could think of from the moment I laid my eyes. In hindsight, I wish I'd added "intensifies" before altering the layers, but I guess it's obvious enough.
Why isn't the picture showing up?
Let me introduce you to Star Fox 64 3D. I think you guys should meet.
Almost did. But then I remembered how short SF64 was. If you're gonna charge full price for a game, it needs a lot more content than a campaign that can be completed in about an hour and a tacked on multiplayer mode. So yeah, I'll have my reservations until more information is revealed.
I hope they include an online 4p co-op campaign mode that lets each person be a different member of the team. That would seal the deal for me.
Sakurai looks younger than some of the competitors. @_@
I played through it a few times, mainly since it was back when the 3DS still had a shortage of titles. It was a good nostalgia trip and the updated visuals with the 3D were great, but the novelty wore off pretty quickly. I love Star Fox, but it wouldn't be an automatic purchase unless they added features to justify…
In terms of a story for the game, Miyamoto said, "We're in an era when people have a limited amount of time… to play these long story-based games, so there will be a story for the game, but you'll be able to choose the missions you want to play." He said there will be arena-like missions and "valley" missions that…
I'm coming down with a serious case of the feels.
You have this insomniac's gratitude.
As much as I love JRPGs, I'd get JRPG fatigue half-way through. Still have to finish FFX/X-2 Remaster.
I took the plunge into PC Gaming last year and built my first rig. I bought my parts over Black Friday and I still remember those few weeks as if they were yesterday. However, I don't think I ever felt "terrified." A lot of it was excitement initially as I was trying to figure out my build on PCPartPicker and reading…
Hope Michael Bay casts Russell Westbrook for the live action version.
I wonder who'd win in a dance-off.
Best Buy has the FFX/FFX-2 Remaster on the Vita for $33 in stores and online.
Given that demand seems to be nonexistent, they ought to pay people to move there