The latest Humble Weekly features the games of Double Fine, with early access to Spacebase DF-9 for top-tier contributors, and that's just the tip of today's deal iceberg.
The latest Humble Weekly features the games of Double Fine, with early access to Spacebase DF-9 for top-tier contributors, and that's just the tip of today's deal iceberg.
Reminds me of this:
Now I just want to see Ice-T play some D&D.
"Let me read some porno or something. I know about that."
As somebody who watches Jeopardy regularly, I applaud Arthur for breaking the mold. I wonder if most jeopardy contestants just follow the trend set by their predecessors (like something out of an Asch experiment). Anyhow, like others have said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with his strategy if the game permits…
Lulz good thing my cousin corrected me the first time instead of me finding out the hard way by some guys outside a pub. xD
Here's another travel tip: never flash the peace/V sign in the UK.
I'm so sad...but you probably couldn't tell by my facial expression.
Oni Santa Claus with Mr. Krabs' hands is my favorite.
"Let them eat beans." - Marie Antoi- Alex Murphy
The poor guy's just sad that he didn't make it in the Smash roster.
Croikey, look at the soize of that thing.
Amazing! I can't look away.
Oh shoot, just noticed that bit of the reddit background was unhidden when I was moving the mask around. Cleaned it up along with some minor stuff. Sorry about the double post.
Gabe sheds a tear for Net Neutrality.
But, Nintendo doesn't have the deep pockets and diverse investments that MS does, both can do equally poor in terms of profits, and MS will survive in the end.
They don't. People speculated that the XL would have dual analog sticks before it was announced but Nintendo chose to keep the Circle Pad optional.
Exactly. I think it's essential for multiplayer games given the variety we have these days. I had been wanting to pick up Payday 2 since it was released but only just built my PC after Black Friday. I was hesitant about paying full price for it because I wasn't sure how large and active the community was (a crucial…
I agree with him to an extent. Though I think the timing of sales can be an important element. Sure, if you put a game on sale a month after its release it's bound to annoy early adopters. But sales can be a great way to boost sales figures and inject new blood in a community 6 months or a year after release when…
Totally missed that. Thank you. This just made my day.