
If you look closely, there was a pelican on the grassy knoll. 

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

Oh my god! Were the stairs okay?

Well said, people forget that dictators and fascists eventually come for them.

Their aboutface is more understandable when you realize that they were lying about supporting the military (it was about getting money into the pockets of their donors), anti-commie (that was, and still is, about denegrating anyone who might show concern for their fellow man) and small government (that was just an

Well, to be fair, Putler isn’t much of a Commie, either. Commies at least pretended to care about the commonfolk. That bald sack of rat droppings doesn’t even bother with that.

Ahem: “Is it car-related? Not at all. It is, however, plane-related, or at the very least plane-adjacent, and we write about plane stuff all the time. So why should this be any different?”

Have a lot of people posting pictures of various Democrats in orange prison uniforms saying they need to go to jail (some may need to but doubt enough to stick). It takes all of my restraint to not respond that I’m fine with any of them going so long as they’re okay with Cheetolini and his crew going too, I don’t of

Fucking awful, awful man. Too bad the fall wasn’t more serious.

The Repub Party...formerly all gung-ho for the military (not anymore), completely anti-Commie (not these Putin ass-kissers), and for less government on people’s backs (not these big gov anti-women’s-free-choice Donald-nazis) and now they’re the exact opposite.

This guy is a huge embarrassment to Alabama, which says a lot as we have a lot to be ashamed of, well there should be shame but too many red hats here. Holding up nominees over something he has likely paid for himself or paid for a player, seriously wouldn’t be shocked if has, or at the least gives no fucks about the

Here’s hoping any injuries he sustained are nothing trivial.

If this had been Biden it would have been that he was so frail and obviously confused and unfit

Believe it or not there are a fair number of people who, through no fault of their own, are trapped in a cycle of poverty that prevents them from doing that. There are people who, for example, are working multiple jobs none of which are full time (keeps the company from having to offer insurance and vacation) and on

not to be that guy but fuck please stop using that word.

And even if you are some kind of super employee who management is willing to negotiate with because you’ll make them so much money, the only thing you can really negotiate for is more pay or vacation.

There are just certain kinds of things you can never get through individual bargaining.

And of course, the real issue is

And when things do improve over 4 years under a Democratic president, they attribute it all to the new Republican President that just took office yesterday.

The reason for the popularity of Trump’s MAGA Cult is that he has embolden White Nationalism because he is a White Nationalist with Fascist tendencies. I’ve had enough altercations with MAGA Hatters to know they will tell a Halfbreed like me to “deport yourself“, yell horrible things like “The Only Good Indian is a

It’s all part of the scam. What’s really sad is that some poor, gullible deplorables will look at tRump’s visit and think that he actually gives a flying fuck about auto workers.

I have worked in union and non-union places and the union workplaces were always better in my opinion. But then again I am not a self-centered overconfident man that thinks he alone can do better than collective bargaining