
But do you wash your steaks?  Pork chops?  Where does the madness end??

People wash their chicken?? 

Yeah, I never got the point to washing raw chicken so I’ve never done it. It doesn’t accomplish anything. My mom doesn’t either. Don’t remember if my grandma did

Not saying the z34 is a great chassis (I haven’t driven one), but as jalops I think we all know better than to equate “old” with “not good”.

It’ll be weird to see Porsche offer a lot of different versions of the same ugly car...”

I like mutts and part of me really wanted to vote NP on this dog, but things like a shop rag wrapped around that Moroso radiator(?) cap and the general incompleteness of . . . well, everything at an $18K asking, is just too damn much.

The IFO study, bizarrely, seems to advocate for natural gas-powered vehicles as a “transitioning” technology on the way to cars powered by hydrogen, which, sure, I guess, and “‘green’ methane,” a product which does not exist.

No rust, so it’s definitely not David Tracy.

i think it’s pretty cool that someone’s going to reinvent cable and call it an innovation

When do we reach peak streaming? How many services can the average viewer reasonably adopt?

But that is part of the requirements of the hot rod drag week.  It couldn't compete if they didn't drive it between drag strips.

Look, I know you flat-out don’t like him, but I’m sorry, he’s quite clearly not in early-stage dementia.

Now playing

Why has it taken you so long to post on this. I thought everybody heard about the bird?

I don’t know, they’re competing successfully with it, so I’d say it fullfills the purpose exactly as it was built.

There’s the fact it’s not that funny, for one...

“Man, I’m kicking ass! I’m passing these people like they’re standing still!”

Unfortunately, his health insurance doesn’t cover potholes and he now owes $62,950 for the procedure.

I was always amazed every time I saw one on the street, they’re such a beautiful car. It’s so great that we get hundreds of different crossovers in the US instead /s.

If only I had the talent to slide the rear end of an open wheel race car around a dirt track while simultaneously giving the finger. #respect

The moral of the story is, if you don’t want to pull out of LeMans, you better pull out sooner.  I’ll see myself out.