I think we could tie the directly to the age that the social security agency, or medicare, says that a normal person would be eligible for full benefits in their system.. so 65/70 depending on which one you choose.
I think we could tie the directly to the age that the social security agency, or medicare, says that a normal person would be eligible for full benefits in their system.. so 65/70 depending on which one you choose.
DITTO! That guy absolutely saw this wreck happen and knew in his heart that rather than continuing the lap to hold position that the RIGHT thing to do was check on that driver. If they awarded points based on general overall sportsmanship we’d see more of that kind of behavior.
KUDOS to that driver!
I have been trying to get my Step-son to read the manual for his CRV for nearly a year now. I’ve told him now that when it breaks, burns, crashes, explodes, it’s all on him. Still won’t read it.
You say Cute snake w/bunny ears.. all i see is...
And now I feel terrible for laughing! (No really I do.. ok you got me.. +1 stars for you)
Tripp-Lite, and APC are almost always a great name to stick with, neither has ever let me down. That said, I’d also recommend FURMAN. They primarily handle big A/V (think stage & Studio) power conditioning, but they also have a line of compact equipment that you can purchase for home.
Tripp-Lite, and APC are almost always a great name to stick with, neither has ever let me down. That said, I’d also…
She’s a C** for asking for a source? What a jackass you are. Please go delete yourself.
It’s practically a joke that will right itself.
My current Saab is on her last legs.. and barring a) my actually being able to afford a new/used ANYTHING.. and the b) Saab is deader than the love lost between a a stripper and the friend who who outted her for having fake boobs. if I had the $1200, I’d buy it.
Heck even at nearly twice the price, I think this thing…
Hmmm... RWD convertible...
Technically yes, if that were just a regular fish, but, it’s a mudskipper and when they are moving around the surface they are propelled by their front flippers.
My former in-laws had several Mercs over the course of a decade or so, they loved them. Until they ended up with an S500 with the crap cam, that was ALWAYS in the shop.
They’re Audi/Lincoln drivers now.
My ‘01 Saab 9-3 does the same thing. Put the front wipers on and slip it into reverse and the back window wiper will give it a couple of courtesy swipes to makes sure everything is clear.
First no more carpet in cars, and now this.. Torch is hard at work doing research!!
I think you’d end up with way too much drag on the bike as it tried pulling the barrier past pole after pole after pole. You’d also end up dramatically increasing your chances of having a snag or a rip as you tried to turn.
Well son, just keep following your mom around.. I always knew she’d be good for something.
It’s always the darn Vultures.
Just finished the game a few days ago and it’s totally relit the Homeworld flame for me. I’ve picked up the Homeworld Remastered collection now and I’m playing through the series again.