.. wut ? I don’t think that was starlite you were eating.. Perhaps it was Salvinorum A instead.
.. wut ? I don’t think that was starlite you were eating.. Perhaps it was Salvinorum A instead.
Can DeMuro take it to Carmax? How much will they offer him?
Palatin Pharma’s PT-141 derivative, Bremelantonide, is probably going to be the closest thing to a Female Viagra. During clinical trials PT-141 was administered via a nasal drip/spray and had a demonstrable effect on female libido. It’s phase-2 testing was stopped early due to issues with blood pressure fluctuations.…
Ok..Ii KNOW it’s an eBay challenge, but I took my Fu over to Craigslist and lookey lookey..
Sooo many holes! UNF!
gAss Holes!
MOAR Speed holes!
Speed holes!
Simple.. an original Northgate OmniKey. Later versions included the ubiquitous ‘Windows’ key, but mine at the time was an ‘original’ circa 1992 with the big DIN keyboard connector.
Simple.. an original Northgate OmniKey. Later versions included the ubiquitous ‘Windows’ key, but mine at the time…
it just reminds me soo much of an angry Zoolander..
You really dropped the mic on him Fred... or not..... Fred.
Why are low riders so Low??
(putting on my $kaycog hat)
mkbruin, Atlas VP - These young ladies will be delivering this fine Mazda to you once they figure out how to Jack the car and get out of the desert.
Car? What.... car?
I think the lower slung hood is what’s throwing him off. In a more traditional, higher profile engine/hood line, the nose would need to be much much longer in order to get those same proportions. That said, I like it, the long nose is reminiscent of the Jag E-type more than an Astony Aston homage..
Please don’t take this as my trolling you, as this is only meant as constructive criticism, because I really do appreciate your comment on this, it’s pertinent, on topic, and you come as an industry expert. However, the lack of punctuation on your post is driving me crazy! It’s all one big run-on thought and it does…
Design inspiration..
Because, with trailer it has 18 wheels, but it is not an 18x18.. They’re typically either 2x2 or 4x4, with either one or both sets of Dualies on the tractor putting power to the road.
They sounds like they would make for a great crouton on either a Caesar Salad or on top of soup.