If I understand the rumor mill correctly, Jon is touring the US this summer.
If I understand the rumor mill correctly, Jon is touring the US this summer.
So much Truth and Win in that statement!
I would imagine that the models, texture, bump & lighting maps for the objects that aren't the star of the game (e.g. the cars) will eventually get improved. This is still in development and these cars are all looking fantastic.
(Slow clap) Well played sir.. well played.
Best Video EVER!!
THIS! I have a 900/9-3 and I've always thought the Hyundai was a total rip-off of the platform.
Raphael, I know that Evel Knievel was the god of the jump and you've just wishing you could launch yourself over the Snake River on a rocket powered anything, but did you actually watch the first 20 seconds of the Ken Powers video?
Me Too.. Loved my '96 LS. She was a beautiful and very capable machine.
I never said they were guilty of bad math and you have, twice now, admitted that their facts were wrong.. grossly wrong I might add. If you want to support people who take hearsay, conjecture, and opinion as fact and then defend them go right ahead. That is your prerogative. I on the other hand, find the…
Vamp, looking at your feed I think you should spend more of your own time actually looking up information and informing yourself. If you did so, then perhaps you wouldn't end up having to defend yourself, your positions, opinions, and not stop appearing to be a mental midget either. BTW, if you think that was me…
Wow.. I've never seen an intellect like this in action before. That's very impressive.
OMG what did he do wrong!?
But you said "Only in America" you lumped 300 million of us together. His attitude is wrong.. lumping us all together is wrong also because litigiousness is rampant world wide.
It's dooable... but it hurts.. ALOT. I've been paying a 127k judgement over 5 years and this year is the last. THANK GOD. (tip.. don't get married.. tip2.. don't get divorced)
The Stealthiest Cop Car is the one that pulls you over.
Looks like the cooling shroud from a VW Bug.
Suburban Auto Group in Oregon.. Trunk Monkey wins.
Are there any higher RES pics available as it appears there might be some MFGr codes along the inside of whatever edges is up there. Also, pics of the backside of the item might also help by listing dates of Manufacture and or a possible part number.