
i see you trolling.. :P

As if Amy wasn't cool enough, as a father of a preteen girl, this is awesome!

Regarding the title on this article... "Oxygen Deprevation Deprivation" wouldn't that just be the deprivation of being able to not breath normally? e.g. now you're just breathing normal? Just saying...


This: 1968 Shelby GT500KR

Ahh cool I was not aware of that Amorica was an old name for Normandy and that it harkened back to the days of the Celts/Brittans and Gauls. Thanks for the lesson!

You DO realize the Isle of Jersey is in the United Kingdom and it where the State of New Jersey gets it's name, but that they aren't one in the same? Not trolling, just checking.. thank you Mtv and the Education system for leaving me with no recourse than to assume the worst.

Are there any updates available on this case yet?

love Love LOVE me my WinAmp!! That and VLC are my media players of choice. It's just hands down a far superior player. I wish we could see some new development on it to support better Media Library Management with a good De-Dupe feature and the ability to manage libraries hosted in the Cloud. <3 U Llama!!

I am with the Judge on this one. As several other commenters have noted: a) this was a deliberately planned act by the two kids to cut the toddlers hair. b) sure this might be an example of Old Testament 'eye for and eye' justice, but it's completely adequate. c) This DID give the judge a way to offer the girl some

Dearest Editors of Jalopnik; on behalf of readership I would like to request that we have more Threads choose for COTD or perhaps a new TOTD award. Not that I really read any of it.. I'm just so very very pleased to see that $kaycog blessed each of the participants with their very on $Kaygirl. Halleluhja, praise the

OMG HELL YA.. His Holyness over there is so quick to ban anyone who happens to mention a misspelled word, or poor grammar that it's ridiculous. Maybe he's just let his name give him a god complex.

Agreed, I love my AdBlock Plus.. it makes this site and Yahoo! mail a dream to use.

Hey BETHESDA.. can we get something like this into the Next FALLOUT game?? This would be an awesome way to get around the maps.

Now playing

I remember seeing this stuff demonstrated on a few television shows that talked about crazy inventions/inventors like Troy Hurtubise and his Bear Suit. Starlite had such an amazing amount of potential. My favorite demonstration was where they painted a raw egg with it and then sat it under a propane torch for


Thank you for this, I know what I'm watching tonight!

I have your shooter. He's already familiar with Dallas high rises...

Except that were discussing Silicone here....